
Team Resource Coaching believes organizations are comprised of sets of nested teams, and that the organization, and each team within it, may be viewed as a system.



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Our philosophy is that a team is not simply a machine with replaceable parts. It is a living, dynamic system. It has a unique personality and temperament, moods and vision. It is a culture with both spoken and unspoken rules and values. The system itself exerts tremendous influence on what gets done and how it gets done. Team members know instinctively, how things are done around here. As such, the team needs to be coached as a system —a living entity that has a life apart from the individual personalities and their interrelationships. This is where the leverage is for team performance.

We approach our work with care, using the cutting-edge Team Diagnostic™ Assessment as part of our process for getting to know the system.  This provides the team with an awareness of its strengths and challenges in areas of positivity and productivity.  Team Resource Coaching coach/facilitators then work with the team to leverage its strengths while addressing areas of opportunity.

How will I know if Team Coaching is appropriate for my organization?
Clients use Team Coaching to address myriad issues.  Following are some potential opportunities for Team Coaching to positively impact your organization:

  • The team is performing well and is looking for its next innovative edge
  • The team is performing poorly
  • The organization is in transition
  • The organization is undertaking an important project
  • Team members engage in gossip, turf protection, bullying or other toxic behaviors that impact performance
  • New teams are forming and want to “start off on the right foot”
  • Communication issues impact performance and/or client relations
  • The team is struggling and does not know how to leverage the conflict into opportunity
  • The organization wants to maximize the talents and skills of its team members to create sustainable results over time

What is a Team?
From the organization’s point of view, teams exist to produce results in service of the organization’s mission.  That is the measure that makes a difference.  But output is only half of the story for teams that produce results.  The most successful and most effective teams in producing results are also teams that developed the ability to be sustainable as well.

Why do organizations need Team Coaching?
Most organizations are built around teams, yet provide very little in the way of guidance, training, or support to make teams as effective as they can be.  In the same way that organizations are investing in executive coaching and leadership development to maximize talent and improve results, more and more organizations are seeing the leverage possible by focusing on teams.  Impact is multiplied.

How is Team Coaching different from team building?
Team building tends to be an event with the purpose of instilling team spirit.  Many organizations discover that the spirit doesn’t last and no sustainable change occurs as a result of time spent on team building events.  The Team Coaching Model is designed to sustain change over time.

Click here to learn more about the process of team coaching

The Bottom Line
Research shows that over the long term, the best performing teams show high scores in both productivity and positivity.  It has been demonstrated that increased positivity means improved productivity. No team can sustain high productivity in the presence of low positivity.




  team diagnostic

To learn about the ways Executive Coaching and Team Coaching can positively impact your organization, please contact Kathryn Kemp.  Together, we will develop a customized program to meet your specific needs.

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